I felt the Lord telling me to start an "omer of manna," to help me remember what He has done. I will put the testimonies from people that my paintings have touched here as I receive them. I hope and pray they will encourage you as they have me. God is working, and everything we do in love to Him, He will use for good. Even paint on a canvas!
She saw the painting in her dreams...

I got a call from a woman, and she had a dream of this painting.
She has never met me, or seen my art, but God spoke to her in her dream and said..."When you see the yellow butterfly, you will know I have your mother."
She did not know what God meant, but her mother had been really sick. After her dream, her 80+ yr old mother accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and she was filled with the Holy Spirit. God is so good!!!
Later, she found the image on Easter and said she just wept when she saw it. She said she thinks she saw the image on Ken Helser, one of my spiritual Papa's website and from there tracked me down. Maybe so, because I painted the image as intercession for Ken and his Grandson. She said she has known Ken since she was only 17.
She did not know what God meant from the image, but her mother had been really sick. Her mom is still living...and now this woman is at peace. She knows when her mother goes home, she will be with Father God.
She wanted me to speak to me personally...and tell me that she knew the painting was from God, because she is a prophetic dreamer. She also said, God is really using me to encourage others, even those I do not know!
How precious is that?
She has never met me, or seen my art, but God spoke to her in her dream and said..."When you see the yellow butterfly, you will know I have your mother."
She did not know what God meant, but her mother had been really sick. After her dream, her 80+ yr old mother accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior and she was filled with the Holy Spirit. God is so good!!!
Later, she found the image on Easter and said she just wept when she saw it. She said she thinks she saw the image on Ken Helser, one of my spiritual Papa's website and from there tracked me down. Maybe so, because I painted the image as intercession for Ken and his Grandson. She said she has known Ken since she was only 17.
She did not know what God meant from the image, but her mother had been really sick. Her mom is still living...and now this woman is at peace. She knows when her mother goes home, she will be with Father God.
She wanted me to speak to me personally...and tell me that she knew the painting was from God, because she is a prophetic dreamer. She also said, God is really using me to encourage others, even those I do not know!
How precious is that?
Free to give her heart....
Special Testimony!!!
This is why I paint prophetic portraits!! Someone is using this painting, "Sign of Promise," for their wedding announcements! I put the image on the front, and am custom printing the back with the details about her wedding. I met her in Aug. 2013, when I painted her prophetic portrait. I saw her heart had been wounded and so she was guarded. She was such a sensitive one...and others from her past had hurt her. I painted her heart in Jesus's hands, and I told her that He wanted her to know she was safe in His hands, so she was free to love again. |

She wept, and told me her fiance and her had been together a very long time (I think 10 yrs) and he wanted to get married, but she was afraid to make the commitment.
So, I prayed for her and felt God set her completely free.
They got married in December '13...
Praise God!
So, I prayed for her and felt God set her completely free.
They got married in December '13...
Praise God!
Testimony, Holy Spirit changed a Life!

When I got to the place I was to minister, I remembered I had left one of my favorite paintings to share, "Safe Place." I was so upset...but I had a print and thought to myself. I will just share about it using the print.
The meeting was over and the pastor came up to me and asked me if I would pray for him. I was so honored that he would come to me for prayer. I love to pray for those that are serving God! I feel it is an honor and great privilege. When I prayed, I "saw" him, and then I felt God deliver him from something. I wept and he did too...it was powerful what God was doing. I shared what I saw and felt, and gave him some wisdom about some of it. Then he shared with me that his wife was in the hospital, that she was having complications from an operation she had earlier this year.
After I prayed, I encouraged the pastor to pick out a print...anyone that he wanted...because I like to bless those that invite me to their churches. He picked this one out and THEN I remembered, I had forgotten to share about it after all!
So, I shared the testimony with JUST him...and we were both amazed at how God had orchestrated it. He was getting the print for his wife God wanted her to know she was in a "safe place!!!"
Then, I get this email from his wife...it really messsssed me up and I couldn't stop crying! God is so good!
Hi Chrisie,
I wanted to thank you for the print you gave to my husband yesterday morning. He brought me many, many postcards that he had of your work and it's beautiful. I absolutely love the vision and the art that God has given you. God continues to amaze every day.
When He showed me the print of the flower and the butterfly, I'm not sure if he read the back before he picked it out. After reading the back, knowing our relationship with Ken Helser, and the healing aspect of the print, I cried. God did it again. It was amazing how much that print was made "for us". Thank you.
I was sooo looking forward to meeting you after I heard about your Aglow event. I'm sorry I couldn't be there. I pray that I can get a word from you sometime. My husband's life was changed yesterday. It was hard for him to tell me his experience and he said he had never had a Holy Spirit experience like that before. He was overwhelmed.
Thank you for all you do, for all the lives you change.
Bless you,
Then later that night, the husband wrote me...not knowing his wife had written me...more tears...
The meeting was over and the pastor came up to me and asked me if I would pray for him. I was so honored that he would come to me for prayer. I love to pray for those that are serving God! I feel it is an honor and great privilege. When I prayed, I "saw" him, and then I felt God deliver him from something. I wept and he did too...it was powerful what God was doing. I shared what I saw and felt, and gave him some wisdom about some of it. Then he shared with me that his wife was in the hospital, that she was having complications from an operation she had earlier this year.
After I prayed, I encouraged the pastor to pick out a print...anyone that he wanted...because I like to bless those that invite me to their churches. He picked this one out and THEN I remembered, I had forgotten to share about it after all!
So, I shared the testimony with JUST him...and we were both amazed at how God had orchestrated it. He was getting the print for his wife God wanted her to know she was in a "safe place!!!"
Then, I get this email from his wife...it really messsssed me up and I couldn't stop crying! God is so good!
Hi Chrisie,
I wanted to thank you for the print you gave to my husband yesterday morning. He brought me many, many postcards that he had of your work and it's beautiful. I absolutely love the vision and the art that God has given you. God continues to amaze every day.
When He showed me the print of the flower and the butterfly, I'm not sure if he read the back before he picked it out. After reading the back, knowing our relationship with Ken Helser, and the healing aspect of the print, I cried. God did it again. It was amazing how much that print was made "for us". Thank you.
I was sooo looking forward to meeting you after I heard about your Aglow event. I'm sorry I couldn't be there. I pray that I can get a word from you sometime. My husband's life was changed yesterday. It was hard for him to tell me his experience and he said he had never had a Holy Spirit experience like that before. He was overwhelmed.
Thank you for all you do, for all the lives you change.
Bless you,
Then later that night, the husband wrote me...not knowing his wife had written me...more tears...
Hi Chrisie,
Sometimes words just don't do justice for the blessings we receive from our God and from people like you. I can't begin to tell you how much you blessed me yesterday at our church. I wept off and on for the remaining of the day. I went to see my wife in the hospital and I could hardly talk without weeping.
When we are touched by the Holy Spirit it makes such an impact on us that it sends us into a tizzy that we sometimes don't know how to handle; so we weep.
You are an amazing person and I pray that God will continue to increase your ministry, God has given you such an amazing gift and I applaud you for being so obedient and having enough faith to step out and do His work.
You were right about what you said about me. My arms are long and my legs are short from trying to carry so much. I have given some of that load to God and I do feel better even though I know there is so much more I need to give to Him, But it's so hard. Pray that God will take away everything that holds me back from doing His will.
Thank you for being there yesterday, you really don't know how much it did for me and I will be forever grateful. Thank you soooooo much. May God continue to richly bless you at least as much as you have blessed me.
Together in Christ,

TESTIMONY – Jennifer V. Wallace: On Thursday, August 8, I was struggling with being disappointed about not being able to go a weekend conference for worship arts because it was cancelled. I was really looking forward to connecting with others who do worship art and to see what God was doing with it in other churches in my region. My first impulse, other than to be discouraged, was to fill the void… to just do something! But I stopped myself and saw an opportunity to wait and see what God was going to do. That afternoon I saw a post on facebook by Chrisie Council (the only prophetic artist I actually kind of know) that said she felt led to minister by praying for people over the phone. So I sent her my number. When she called, she prayed in the spirit and shared what God showed her. She saw me standing in my kitchen with an apron on and a rolling pin in my hand – ready and waiting to cook. Then a light bulb came on over my head and I smiled real big with excitement because God had given me an idea. She also got the word “cookbook.” I shared with her how I had an idea for a devotional book of my artwork that I create during worship and how I had looked into printing it myself and also through a publisher. But I had set it aside because I didn’t feel I was to do it myself or pay to have it published. I knew it would be done in God’s way and timing. So she prayed that the new thing God was doing would come from making time for Him - a place of intimacy, it would be easy – not from striving, and He would connect the dots. After the call I felt encouraged and wondered what God was up to. The next afternoon (about 24 hours later) I received a phone call from the publishing company I had originally submitted my book idea to almost 2 years ago. They were calling to offer me a contract to publish my book and distribute it nationwide at no cost to me at all and I maintain full rights! I am so excited to see where this next step leads. God is so amazing! I am overwhelmed by His love and goodness as He helps me to truly trust Him – Psalm 37:3-7a.
From an Aglow meeting...
After I got home from ministering, one of the ladies had sent this to the leader of her Women's ministry at her church. She copied me in it...blessed me.
At our Aglow meeting today we had a prophetic artist that was also at our State Conference. She is absolutely amazing...I can't say enough about her....refreshing, energetic, passionate for God. She paints during church functions retreats etc. The painting she did at our conf. was called "Surrender" and brought healing to many ladies. Her words today to each of us was right on and straight from the throne room.
Go to www.christinecouncil.com to view her work. She is not as much about selling her work as she is sharing what the pieces mean to bring healing and restoration to the body of Christ. I just wanted to give you her name for a reference in case the Lord prompts you to contact her.
At our Aglow meeting today we had a prophetic artist that was also at our State Conference. She is absolutely amazing...I can't say enough about her....refreshing, energetic, passionate for God. She paints during church functions retreats etc. The painting she did at our conf. was called "Surrender" and brought healing to many ladies. Her words today to each of us was right on and straight from the throne room.
Go to www.christinecouncil.com to view her work. She is not as much about selling her work as she is sharing what the pieces mean to bring healing and restoration to the body of Christ. I just wanted to give you her name for a reference in case the Lord prompts you to contact her.
Thank you for sharing...

I got this testimony today and it blessed me so much...
I wanted to share it...THIS is why I paint and share about my paintings...
well...and because Jesus asked me to...lol.
I wanted to share it...THIS is why I paint and share about my paintings...
well...and because Jesus asked me to...lol.
Hi Christine,
I have spent the past 2 hours looking at your paintings & reading your stories about them; just being ministered to by your words, and how the paintings have come about..and then..I came to the turtle dove. I can hardly even form the words to say how much it has blessed me. I too, have(am) going through a dark winter, waiting, and simply standing. Not turning to the left or right, but just standing and waiting for the Lord to show me....I have no idea what. Praying for a breakthrough and not even knowing if that is what I need. Feeling blind because I just can't see into the spring. And then I read your words "Sometimes there is nothing we can do when we are in the fire, but just wait for His work to be done in our souls". And then, as I read on, I was just blessed, and blessed and blessed as you described the turtle dove and how it hides in the winter and comes out in early May(today is the 1st!!) and then you explained the color symbolisms, and then when I thought I had been blessed beyond compare, I read the verse you put there from Song of Songs! Just, wow! God is so good, and I just love how He uses you to create beautiful things for us to enjoy, and 'feel'. Not only that, but you have such a gift with words too. So I just wanted to thank you for sharing all of this with us on your fb page. I have received so much from your worship art tonight. Bless you!!
...from a child's heART!

A friend was sharing about prophetic art with the kids at her church...showing them my work...telling them they can go to heaven too. She shared that with me and I suggested that she have the kids create something for an adult...to have the adults' names hidden in an envelope...then have the kids give them to the adults at the end of the service and let them share what they had drawn! Below is the testimony she just sent me... ♥
"...did what you suggested - gave the children the names of people at church - without them seeing the name at first. Prayed for their spiritual eyes to be opened and soaked in the Lord as we invited the Holy Spirit to come and move. They began to see pictures for the people and drew them. At the end, they gave the pictures to the adults in the service and they were all smiles and giving hugs to the children - the kids were so excited to be used by the Lord in this way! One child got You are safe when you sleep and drew the person sleeping - the adult was so blessed since she has difficulty with sleep and was encouraged. Another got an image of an angel and the scripture about trusting the Lord and not stressing out. The adult laughed and was so blessed since she had a huge amount of work to do and was stressed about it. She said she was so encouraged! Next week the youth lead the service, so some will step out again to do prophetic art. i shared your examples from the link of the prophetic art you gave me about the Dance in Your Spirit, A Mother's Love, Mighty Man of God, and they were amazed by them and asked me to share more. Thank you again!"
True Love...
Hi Christine! My fiance and I met you during the worship night at Grace Church last Friday. I just want to thank you again for the print of "Come Away With Me" that you gave us. It's so beautiful. It holds so much meaning for us, especially in this season of our lives. I know that every time we look at it, we'll be brought back to that wonderful place of high worship with God that we both experienced last weekend. We can't wait to hang it up on the wall of our first home when we get married! Thank you so much for such a wonderful gift. And thank you for the gift of yourself poured out for the advancement of the kingdom of God.
With much gratitude,
Karen (and Gray)
Postcards from heaven...

I got this testimony from a woman that bought postcards of some of my paintings to give to children at a camp. Got this testimony from her today...so precious!
Only Jesus knows what He imparted to 50 special needs children this week as I was invited to come speak to them each afternoon for the past 3 days!!! We preached the Gospel, made sure each child understood, led them into surety of salvation, led them into the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and then into an encounter with Jesus---like we did at the conference in Moravian Falls!!! It was SO amazing,
Chrisie!!! So very amazing!!
When it came time to bring them into that 'visionary'
encounter with Jesus, I talked about the reality of The
Word of God. I read Revelation 19:11 and 19:16 to the
children (and adults who were there). I told them about
Jesus's horse,,,,and I told them your testimony that is
written on the back of the print. I gave them each a
print of "My Beloved" and they all LOVED it!!!
From there......we spoke in our prayer language,
worshiped Jesus, and I let them wait quietly in the
Lord's Presence so they could 'see' what He wanted
to show them. So awesome!!!!
Only Jesus knows what He imparted to 50 special needs children this week as I was invited to come speak to them each afternoon for the past 3 days!!! We preached the Gospel, made sure each child understood, led them into surety of salvation, led them into the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and then into an encounter with Jesus---like we did at the conference in Moravian Falls!!! It was SO amazing,
Chrisie!!! So very amazing!!
When it came time to bring them into that 'visionary'
encounter with Jesus, I talked about the reality of The
Word of God. I read Revelation 19:11 and 19:16 to the
children (and adults who were there). I told them about
Jesus's horse,,,,and I told them your testimony that is
written on the back of the print. I gave them each a
print of "My Beloved" and they all LOVED it!!!
From there......we spoke in our prayer language,
worshiped Jesus, and I let them wait quietly in the
Lord's Presence so they could 'see' what He wanted
to show them. So awesome!!!!
God appointment...
At the School of the Seers, I met a group of young people from Atlanta in the Lobby. I was smelling this amazing scent and shared it with them. They told me that they had brought a painting of a friends that they wanted someone to pray over and marveled that we were meeting.
I prophesied to each one of them and prayed over the painting, asking God to even let the artist smell His fragrance. Got this email tonight and it was sooo encouraging...wanted to share it.
I was not able to go on a wonderful trip this past week ago; however, my sunday school teacher told me she wanted to bring something of mine to take with her so that it could be anointed and prayed over. Her first thought, my shirt, my first thought was, "hey I have a watercolor painting in my trunk". It took a while to convince her to take the painting because she was worried of damaging it, but I knew the lord wanted me to give it to her. Turns out that they went to this conference that the lord had led them too. When they walked in, they met you and you prayed over my painting. I got the painting back a week ago when they returned. The lord gave me sweet smells of aroma when I was praying over it. Cinnamon was the strongest. I also felt a strong urge to actually relinquish my gift to him so that he can make art through me. It has been a slow process but my art has been sort of a selfish thing. I am a painting and drawing major, so that doesn't help. I want the lord to use me in prophetic arts. I was wondering if there was any advice that you could forward on to me. Im not quite sure of the right questions to ask. But so far I have been praying before I start painting and ask that he moves through me. I want to do this though in my classes. I also have a passion to be in the art world and work hard and be successful. I want people to feel the lords presence in my work. That's exactly why I want to be successful gallery artist. Its not about the money to me. I thank you so much for taking the time to pray over my work. Its now hanging up in the student gallery at my university in the student dorms. Which is also a blessing in itself.
Thank you,
I prophesied to each one of them and prayed over the painting, asking God to even let the artist smell His fragrance. Got this email tonight and it was sooo encouraging...wanted to share it.
I was not able to go on a wonderful trip this past week ago; however, my sunday school teacher told me she wanted to bring something of mine to take with her so that it could be anointed and prayed over. Her first thought, my shirt, my first thought was, "hey I have a watercolor painting in my trunk". It took a while to convince her to take the painting because she was worried of damaging it, but I knew the lord wanted me to give it to her. Turns out that they went to this conference that the lord had led them too. When they walked in, they met you and you prayed over my painting. I got the painting back a week ago when they returned. The lord gave me sweet smells of aroma when I was praying over it. Cinnamon was the strongest. I also felt a strong urge to actually relinquish my gift to him so that he can make art through me. It has been a slow process but my art has been sort of a selfish thing. I am a painting and drawing major, so that doesn't help. I want the lord to use me in prophetic arts. I was wondering if there was any advice that you could forward on to me. Im not quite sure of the right questions to ask. But so far I have been praying before I start painting and ask that he moves through me. I want to do this though in my classes. I also have a passion to be in the art world and work hard and be successful. I want people to feel the lords presence in my work. That's exactly why I want to be successful gallery artist. Its not about the money to me. I thank you so much for taking the time to pray over my work. Its now hanging up in the student gallery at my university in the student dorms. Which is also a blessing in itself.
Thank you,
Prophetic Portrait Party:
intimate gathering of friends...
Honey Bee

What an incredible, awesome time spent with you and the fellowship of dear, sweet friends. I thoroughly enjoyed your initial testimony and then the individual sessions that you spent with each of us last night. What an incredible, sweet, wonderful, cocoon…. of light, joy, and happiness! That's what I experienced during my individual session with you! The Holy Spirit was surely in that place with us last night!
I can never thank you enough for using God's gift to confirm or reaffirm, to teach and provide comfort, and …..at the very core of your gift…..for providing the pure joy that the creative process brings. You are truly a beacon of light.
I thank you for allowing God to confirm a role for me, in the kingdom of heaven, by giving me an example of a unique creation - The HoneyBee.
I did some research (as you instructed) and sure enough, I've learned that there are 3 types of honeybee. The number 3 keeps continuing to surface for me. There's the worker bee, the queen, and the drone. I feel sure that the essence you captured was that of a worker bee. (They are females and the only bee that most people actually see.) They forage for pollen to create honey andthey build and protect the hive. They also provide beeswax and something called "royal jelly" which enables a worker bee to be turned into a fertile queen bee if anything ever happens to the original Queen.
Definitely a confirmation.
I did notice an interesting factoid about last night, it seems I may have been the only artistic expression that wasn't depicted as a human…..hhmmm. Ok....well, I'm going to focus on the fact that there was honey, a honeycomb, and a bee….lol. I was just reminded that God provided the promised land to his children…. the land of milk and honey. I smile at hearing that…. hoping, praying…..knowing, that I'm already "in" God's country!
Bless you, dear, sweet, beautiful Chrisie for spending time with us last night!
Honey Bee~
What an incredible, awesome time spent with you and the fellowship of dear, sweet friends. I thoroughly enjoyed your initial testimony and then the individual sessions that you spent with each of us last night. What an incredible, sweet, wonderful, cocoon…. of light, joy, and happiness! That's what I experienced during my individual session with you! The Holy Spirit was surely in that place with us last night!
I can never thank you enough for using God's gift to confirm or reaffirm, to teach and provide comfort, and …..at the very core of your gift…..for providing the pure joy that the creative process brings. You are truly a beacon of light.
I thank you for allowing God to confirm a role for me, in the kingdom of heaven, by giving me an example of a unique creation - The HoneyBee.
I did some research (as you instructed) and sure enough, I've learned that there are 3 types of honeybee. The number 3 keeps continuing to surface for me. There's the worker bee, the queen, and the drone. I feel sure that the essence you captured was that of a worker bee. (They are females and the only bee that most people actually see.) They forage for pollen to create honey andthey build and protect the hive. They also provide beeswax and something called "royal jelly" which enables a worker bee to be turned into a fertile queen bee if anything ever happens to the original Queen.
Definitely a confirmation.
I did notice an interesting factoid about last night, it seems I may have been the only artistic expression that wasn't depicted as a human…..hhmmm. Ok....well, I'm going to focus on the fact that there was honey, a honeycomb, and a bee….lol. I was just reminded that God provided the promised land to his children…. the land of milk and honey. I smile at hearing that…. hoping, praying…..knowing, that I'm already "in" God's country!
Bless you, dear, sweet, beautiful Chrisie for spending time with us last night!
Honey Bee~
God's Funnel...

Chrisie, God's anointing splashed from your words as you shared your heart about the Lover of our souls. Even though I knew you, I felt like I truly saw your heart for the first time. Personally you encouraged me to use my sanctified imagination more! This morning I saw myself in a round room with doors in every direction I looked. I saw Jesus smiling and I understood that I was welcomed to walk through the doors! I can't wait to spend some time exploring!
When you started the personal ministry time I was bowed over by the Presence of the Lord. You confirmed many things and I was greatly encouraged about the writing, the books, and the sparkling gold pen! I am clinging to that word my friend! That is one of the great desires of my heart!
Thank you for the lovely picture you drew of me receiving revelation from the Lord! I will treasure it always!
God bless you as you pour yourself out to others as a drink offering -- a sweet aroma to the Lord.
God's funnel~
When you started the personal ministry time I was bowed over by the Presence of the Lord. You confirmed many things and I was greatly encouraged about the writing, the books, and the sparkling gold pen! I am clinging to that word my friend! That is one of the great desires of my heart!
Thank you for the lovely picture you drew of me receiving revelation from the Lord! I will treasure it always!
God bless you as you pour yourself out to others as a drink offering -- a sweet aroma to the Lord.
God's funnel~
Part of a newsletter!A church, Hamilton Christian Fellowship in Ontario, contacted me and asked if they could use one of my images in their newsletter. ![]()
"So meaningful!"

This woman ordered 3 prints of Sign of Promise, 2 small ones and a 24x36 on canvas:
I got them all!!! I just got home from vacation today and I say ALL the packages. I opened the large one.. the canvas and just wept... my son (8) said...that is the bride of Christ, huh mom? .. I said yes.... amazing!! So meaningful! The Lord keeps showing me 1:11, 11:11 and 3:33... He is speaking to the prophetic at heart. Thank you for being obiedient to your call...to paint.. it has impact on the kingdom!
I got them all!!! I just got home from vacation today and I say ALL the packages. I opened the large one.. the canvas and just wept... my son (8) said...that is the bride of Christ, huh mom? .. I said yes.... amazing!! So meaningful! The Lord keeps showing me 1:11, 11:11 and 3:33... He is speaking to the prophetic at heart. Thank you for being obiedient to your call...to paint.. it has impact on the kingdom!
"actually felt something when I opened it"

Sent a print to someone to bless them...and got this response.
Just got your painting about lion and fire. WOW! Thank you...actually felt something when i opened it.
The other one about Jesus is beautiful.
Thank you for being a conduit of Fathers love...
Just got your painting about lion and fire. WOW! Thank you...actually felt something when i opened it.
The other one about Jesus is beautiful.
Thank you for being a conduit of Fathers love...
"I opened it up and wept, and wept. It is one of the most touching pictures I have ever seen. "

Recently, I shared about the painting that I did of Jesus, at a church.
Forgiven and Redeemed http://www.christinecouncil.com/redeemed.html
When I came off the platform, the Mother of the church wept with me, then she asked if she could buy the painting, and was so disappointed when I told her it wasn't for sale.
The Lord told me to mail her a print, so I found her address through a friend and was excited to also find out that her Birthday was coming up.
I got a thank you note, and I wanted to share what she said to me:
"The picture came today. I cannot tell you what it meant to me. I opened it up and wept, and wept. It is one of the most touching pictures I have ever seen. It truly depicts the suffering of Jesus on the cross. The Lord inspired you to paint it.
THANK YOU for allowing me to have it. I want to pay you, so please let me know the price (of course, I am not going to ;) God bless YOU! Keep painting for Jesus."
Forgiven and Redeemed http://www.christinecouncil.com/redeemed.html
When I came off the platform, the Mother of the church wept with me, then she asked if she could buy the painting, and was so disappointed when I told her it wasn't for sale.
The Lord told me to mail her a print, so I found her address through a friend and was excited to also find out that her Birthday was coming up.
I got a thank you note, and I wanted to share what she said to me:
"The picture came today. I cannot tell you what it meant to me. I opened it up and wept, and wept. It is one of the most touching pictures I have ever seen. It truly depicts the suffering of Jesus on the cross. The Lord inspired you to paint it.
THANK YOU for allowing me to have it. I want to pay you, so please let me know the price (of course, I am not going to ;) God bless YOU! Keep painting for Jesus."
She Ran to HIM...

Chrisie, You are not aware of this, but you and your painting had a HUGE part in my healing. When I met you, last September at the TMCI conference, all I wanted to do was die. My heart was broken beyond repair. Your painting spoke to me and told me that I would be carefree and happy again, but through God and no other. My happiness was not going to come through my marriage of 22 years that had just been revealed as a shame, my Husband was having a long distant Face book affair with an old high school friend. I loved him more than life and the betrayal and rejection was more than I could bare, all I truly wanted was death. I believed in God but never had a personally relationship with him and you and your painting was the beginning of me living for the first time in my life. My relationship with God rocks, and he saw fit to give my marriage a supernatural healing and my husband and I are together and happy if you can believe that. I will be buying your painting as soon as I can afford to, it means more to me than you will ever know. Love You, Ps I thank God for you.
My Reply to her…
oh my goodness!!! wow wow wow...I am a puddle...WOW! Thank you Jesus!!!! Today I was saying to the Lord...I don't know if I can do this...keep painting...does it even matter? I had some people really hurt me recently...and I was thinking...I can't do this...be a public minister...it is too hard...I am too sensitive...
THIS makes me want to keep painting!!! This humbles me...and breaks me...YES LORD!!!
He hears us! He loves us!
I will send one to you...you do not have to buy it. Give me your address please...I would be honored for you to have a print!!!!! The one with the stairs right...that I painted there...?
Wow...can't stop crying over this!!!!
Thank you for sharing...LOVE YOU!!!!
Oh Chrisie,
Please don't ever stop painting! I'm sure I am only one of many that God has used you to impact in a life changing / giving way, you just aren't aware of how much of a difference you make and how many of us there are out there.
The whole time at the conference, I would look at you and all I could see was Jesus. I had never seen or experienced anything like it in my life, it was the beginning of my walk with Jesus.
He has been teaching me and I have been experiencing the Super Natural ever since.
You had painted the stairway at the conference and I love all of your work, but the one he spoke to me through was "Come Away With Me", and that's exactly what I did. Instead of dying, in every sense of the way he showed me through your painting that I was to "Come Away With Him" and that is where I would find my happiness a would be carefree through him and I am happy and carefree.
I now love and live for Jesus, he is my one and only. He is using me beyond my belief, leading others to salvation and into a close personal relationship with him, and just think, it all started with you....God is good.
I too can not stop crying just thinking about all of this over again.
Chrisie, my Birthday is Saturday and I so wanted this print but couldn't swing it yet, this will be the best birthday gift I have ever received!
I Love You and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My Reply to her…
oh my goodness!!! wow wow wow...I am a puddle...WOW! Thank you Jesus!!!! Today I was saying to the Lord...I don't know if I can do this...keep painting...does it even matter? I had some people really hurt me recently...and I was thinking...I can't do this...be a public minister...it is too hard...I am too sensitive...
THIS makes me want to keep painting!!! This humbles me...and breaks me...YES LORD!!!
He hears us! He loves us!
I will send one to you...you do not have to buy it. Give me your address please...I would be honored for you to have a print!!!!! The one with the stairs right...that I painted there...?
Wow...can't stop crying over this!!!!
Thank you for sharing...LOVE YOU!!!!
Oh Chrisie,
Please don't ever stop painting! I'm sure I am only one of many that God has used you to impact in a life changing / giving way, you just aren't aware of how much of a difference you make and how many of us there are out there.
The whole time at the conference, I would look at you and all I could see was Jesus. I had never seen or experienced anything like it in my life, it was the beginning of my walk with Jesus.
He has been teaching me and I have been experiencing the Super Natural ever since.
You had painted the stairway at the conference and I love all of your work, but the one he spoke to me through was "Come Away With Me", and that's exactly what I did. Instead of dying, in every sense of the way he showed me through your painting that I was to "Come Away With Him" and that is where I would find my happiness a would be carefree through him and I am happy and carefree.
I now love and live for Jesus, he is my one and only. He is using me beyond my belief, leading others to salvation and into a close personal relationship with him, and just think, it all started with you....God is good.
I too can not stop crying just thinking about all of this over again.
Chrisie, my Birthday is Saturday and I so wanted this print but couldn't swing it yet, this will be the best birthday gift I have ever received!
I Love You and thank you from the bottom of my heart.