Resting on His Shoulder
“Resting on His Shoulder”
Last night I noticed a $100 charge on one of my my accounts for a subscription that I didn’t remember ordering. So tonight I called and a sweet young lady in the Philippines helped me.
She ended up refunding me and then asking if I would take the same subscription for only $20. Of course I said yes…
So while I’m talking to this young woman… I started getting a burden for her…and intercession began to happen.
But what was most interesting is just earlier tonight I was telling a friend how much I have enjoyed my season of solitude because I don’t “feel” people when I’m by myself.
As a seer with a gift for inner healing, I oftentimes will go into intercession if I get around another believer who is burdened. I don’t know how to NOT do it, my spirit just begins responding.
It’s really awkward because a lot of times I have to start praying in the spirit because the burden is so heavy, and then I will literally experience the Lord setting them free as I pray.
So, as we were finishing the call, I told her there was something I needed to say. “You are a Christian.” And she confirmed she was. I explained the reason I knew was because God was asking me to pray for her. ”So I’m gonna do that now. And I’m gonna pray in the spirit do you know what that is?” And of course she did.
So, as I began to pray in the spirit, I started to see in the Spirit and the burdens began to come off her. I told her what I heard God saying, and what He was showing me.
She began to weep and say she was really going through a lot. I said, “I know…because I couldn’t get out of praying for you. God wanted you to know He sees everything you’re going through and He’s got you!”
The most beautiful part was when I saw Him come and wrap His arms around her, then she rested her head on his shoulder.
Now over the years, I’ve learned when I see someone put their head somewhere on Jesus, I know he’s trying to tell them something. He’s trying to tell them not to think about it, to not lean on their own understanding, but just rest and trust in Him.
So the issue she was dealing with was a governmental issue, because shoulders represent government. Meaning it was most likely something unjust she was suffering through and trying to figure out how to fix it herself.
As we said our goodbyes,
I asked her name…
turned out…
her name is “Love.”
God orchestrates the most beautiful encounters with others…and with Him.
Last night I noticed a $100 charge on one of my my accounts for a subscription that I didn’t remember ordering. So tonight I called and a sweet young lady in the Philippines helped me.
She ended up refunding me and then asking if I would take the same subscription for only $20. Of course I said yes…
So while I’m talking to this young woman… I started getting a burden for her…and intercession began to happen.
But what was most interesting is just earlier tonight I was telling a friend how much I have enjoyed my season of solitude because I don’t “feel” people when I’m by myself.
As a seer with a gift for inner healing, I oftentimes will go into intercession if I get around another believer who is burdened. I don’t know how to NOT do it, my spirit just begins responding.
It’s really awkward because a lot of times I have to start praying in the spirit because the burden is so heavy, and then I will literally experience the Lord setting them free as I pray.
So, as we were finishing the call, I told her there was something I needed to say. “You are a Christian.” And she confirmed she was. I explained the reason I knew was because God was asking me to pray for her. ”So I’m gonna do that now. And I’m gonna pray in the spirit do you know what that is?” And of course she did.
So, as I began to pray in the spirit, I started to see in the Spirit and the burdens began to come off her. I told her what I heard God saying, and what He was showing me.
She began to weep and say she was really going through a lot. I said, “I know…because I couldn’t get out of praying for you. God wanted you to know He sees everything you’re going through and He’s got you!”
The most beautiful part was when I saw Him come and wrap His arms around her, then she rested her head on his shoulder.
Now over the years, I’ve learned when I see someone put their head somewhere on Jesus, I know he’s trying to tell them something. He’s trying to tell them not to think about it, to not lean on their own understanding, but just rest and trust in Him.
So the issue she was dealing with was a governmental issue, because shoulders represent government. Meaning it was most likely something unjust she was suffering through and trying to figure out how to fix it herself.
As we said our goodbyes,
I asked her name…
turned out…
her name is “Love.”
God orchestrates the most beautiful encounters with others…and with Him.