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What is a Prophetic Portrait?

Basically it is a “picture” God gives for someone of something He wants them to "see". All seers are prophetic, but not all prophetic people are seers. What is seen, like all prophecy, is heavenly revelation meant to encourage, edify, convict, exhort, and bless the hearer, or in this case, the seer.
"He who prophesies speaks to men for their upbuilding (oikodome) and encouragement (paraklesis) and consolation (paramuthia; 1 Corinthians 14:3)."
The Lord showed me I had the gift when I would pray for people…I would see “movies” or images…and when I described them, they would be ministered to through them. I wished they could see them too, so, because I am an artist, I started thinking, maybe I could just draw what I am seeing for them? I did not know of anyone else doing it, and what to call it, but I came up with the name "Prophetic Portrait" because I had been a portrait artist for so long, it just seemed to work.
"He who prophesies speaks to men for their upbuilding (oikodome) and encouragement (paraklesis) and consolation (paramuthia; 1 Corinthians 14:3)."
The Lord showed me I had the gift when I would pray for people…I would see “movies” or images…and when I described them, they would be ministered to through them. I wished they could see them too, so, because I am an artist, I started thinking, maybe I could just draw what I am seeing for them? I did not know of anyone else doing it, and what to call it, but I came up with the name "Prophetic Portrait" because I had been a portrait artist for so long, it just seemed to work.
How do you do it?
Before I start to do a prophetic painting, I pray. The person can be with me, on the phone or just be a name someone gave me. There is no distance or limits in the Spirit. God generally just shows me something. Sometimes it is an image, and as I start to create it, it evolves. Sometimes I see the finished painting when I start, other times I just see a color, or a piece of the image.
As I work on the painting, God gives me more revelation about the person, I will share with them. Sometimes I know when the picture is finished because He gives me a “title” for the drawing. Other times He does not give me a title for the picture, and in those times, I think He might be encouraging the person to "search it out" for themselves.
I do not like to let the person see what I am painting until I finish or God says I am done. It is interesting, as I am painting, if I am with them in person, much of the time the person will begin talking about what I am sometimes I have to encourage them to talk about something else.
I have seen Him use it as a door to open someone up to inner healing or deliverance. He has used the painting as a source of encouragement for an upcoming situation in their life. Sometimes if He has me pray with the person after they see the picture, I will hear Him singing and I am able to release a spontaneous prophetic song, just for them, and for that moment.
As I work on the painting, God gives me more revelation about the person, I will share with them. Sometimes I know when the picture is finished because He gives me a “title” for the drawing. Other times He does not give me a title for the picture, and in those times, I think He might be encouraging the person to "search it out" for themselves.
I do not like to let the person see what I am painting until I finish or God says I am done. It is interesting, as I am painting, if I am with them in person, much of the time the person will begin talking about what I am sometimes I have to encourage them to talk about something else.
I have seen Him use it as a door to open someone up to inner healing or deliverance. He has used the painting as a source of encouragement for an upcoming situation in their life. Sometimes if He has me pray with the person after they see the picture, I will hear Him singing and I am able to release a spontaneous prophetic song, just for them, and for that moment.
My hope and prayer is that what I "see" will open their eyes to see...
how deep, how high and how wide is the LOVE of God for them!
how deep, how high and how wide is the LOVE of God for them!
How did you start painting portraits?

I have been a portrait artist for years, but in April 2009 at the MOWSelah conference, Teresa Ward of Above and Beyond Ministries got up and shared about an upcoming event she was planning, it was a Dream Extreme conference in Charleston, SC. She said there would be arts there, and encouraged people to step up and come be a part of it. I felt led to approach her and tell her about what was in my heart and offered to come and test the waters. I asked her to pray about it, and immediately she said, "Oh no, you ARE coming."
Janice Van Cronkite was there also, it was my first time meeting her, and I shared my heart with her. She was so gracious and prayed for me at the back of the church. I bought one of her pieces, "the Metamorphosis" and while I was holding it, someone came up to me and prophesyed that I was about to go through a metamorphosis. They could not see the print, so it was a confirmation to me that I had gotten the one the Lord wanted for me.
In July I went to the Dream Extreme conference and the first day not many were signing up for ministry, but by the 3rd day, people were squeezing into every free moment I had to get their own image done. Since then, I have gone to other conferences and it is the same there as well. Often I have to leave without getting to everyone that is lined up to get their portrait done. This would grieve me.
My hope is, with this website, I will be able to paint for more people.
When the idea came to me to begin offering prophetic paintings to people remotely, I sought the counsel of people that know me, & others I had painted for in Charleston, and they ALL said go for it.
Janice Van Cronkite was there also, it was my first time meeting her, and I shared my heart with her. She was so gracious and prayed for me at the back of the church. I bought one of her pieces, "the Metamorphosis" and while I was holding it, someone came up to me and prophesyed that I was about to go through a metamorphosis. They could not see the print, so it was a confirmation to me that I had gotten the one the Lord wanted for me.
In July I went to the Dream Extreme conference and the first day not many were signing up for ministry, but by the 3rd day, people were squeezing into every free moment I had to get their own image done. Since then, I have gone to other conferences and it is the same there as well. Often I have to leave without getting to everyone that is lined up to get their portrait done. This would grieve me.
My hope is, with this website, I will be able to paint for more people.
When the idea came to me to begin offering prophetic paintings to people remotely, I sought the counsel of people that know me, & others I had painted for in Charleston, and they ALL said go for it.
One friend said...
"I think God is speaking to you about this, go with it. He says "go". This is your gift and I think you should use whatever means you can to bring healing and bring people to Christ. I know that it is of great value for the kingdom."
"I think God is speaking to you about this, go with it. He says "go". This is your gift and I think you should use whatever means you can to bring healing and bring people to Christ. I know that it is of great value for the kingdom."