Eagles Nest
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Mixed media on canvas 16' x 20" 3/21/2018
I saw this vision Sunday, but wasn’t sure about painting it.
So I waited. Monday morning, I got onto Facebook and right away there was a live video of a new baby eaglet hatching in Washington DC!!!
I felt like that was my confirmation. It WAS God and He wanted me to release it.
I felt led to do something a little different, and decided to cover the canvas with the Word, so I used copies of pages, from my grandmother’s antique Bible to tie in the family element. ❤️
Here’s the word and prophetic painting. I pray it ministers to someone! Please let me know if it ministers to you!
Eagles Nest
When the vision began, I saw an eagle flying. Wings outstretched, soaring through the sky.
As I waited on the Lord, I saw the eagle land beside a nest. The nest was very small, like a robins nest, and certainly not sufficient for such a large bird. The eagle took off and continued to go from nest to nest but was unable to find a place suitable for himself. The nests were either too shallow, or small, too confining or too close to the ground. Just not high enough for the eagle to feel at home.
I asked the Lord what this meant.
I believe He was showing me...
many of his prophets and prophetically gifted, are also orphaned. Going from place to place, looking for their home, but can never seem to find a nest that suits them.
They are tired and weary from all the flying...their hope has been deferred and their hearts are sick with despair and disillusionment. They cry out for a safe place to rest...a place to call home.
I was curious, and wanted to learn about how Eagles nest.
I discovered they build their nests beside rivers and oceans, high above all other nests. A place where they can see all around, but still built below the tree’s crown. They look for forked branches in strong healthy trees, to hold the cone shaped nest they may use year after year. It can be as wide as 5 to 8 feet, up to 13 feet deep and weigh over a ton. So large, it can be seen from a mile away.
Their nests can be called “Aeries”
...which comes from the Latin root meaning “level place.” The root word in French can also mean “threshing floor” or “garden bed.”
I believe this is a word to encourage the Eagles...
God sees and knows you are tired. He knows you long for a place to call home. A place to belong.
And He desires this for you too.
I believe God is also speaking to pastors and church leaders...He is saying. Don’t expect the Eagles to be like other birds. To fit in the same type of nests. I made them different, for a reason, and I gave them eyes to see.
They need a nest in a strong tall tree by the water to hold them...and their gifting.
But...If you build it, they will come.
I saw this vision Sunday, but wasn’t sure about painting it.
So I waited. Monday morning, I got onto Facebook and right away there was a live video of a new baby eaglet hatching in Washington DC!!!
I felt like that was my confirmation. It WAS God and He wanted me to release it.
I felt led to do something a little different, and decided to cover the canvas with the Word, so I used copies of pages, from my grandmother’s antique Bible to tie in the family element. ❤️
Here’s the word and prophetic painting. I pray it ministers to someone! Please let me know if it ministers to you!
Eagles Nest
When the vision began, I saw an eagle flying. Wings outstretched, soaring through the sky.
As I waited on the Lord, I saw the eagle land beside a nest. The nest was very small, like a robins nest, and certainly not sufficient for such a large bird. The eagle took off and continued to go from nest to nest but was unable to find a place suitable for himself. The nests were either too shallow, or small, too confining or too close to the ground. Just not high enough for the eagle to feel at home.
I asked the Lord what this meant.
I believe He was showing me...
many of his prophets and prophetically gifted, are also orphaned. Going from place to place, looking for their home, but can never seem to find a nest that suits them.
They are tired and weary from all the flying...their hope has been deferred and their hearts are sick with despair and disillusionment. They cry out for a safe place to rest...a place to call home.
I was curious, and wanted to learn about how Eagles nest.
I discovered they build their nests beside rivers and oceans, high above all other nests. A place where they can see all around, but still built below the tree’s crown. They look for forked branches in strong healthy trees, to hold the cone shaped nest they may use year after year. It can be as wide as 5 to 8 feet, up to 13 feet deep and weigh over a ton. So large, it can be seen from a mile away.
Their nests can be called “Aeries”
...which comes from the Latin root meaning “level place.” The root word in French can also mean “threshing floor” or “garden bed.”
I believe this is a word to encourage the Eagles...
God sees and knows you are tired. He knows you long for a place to call home. A place to belong.
And He desires this for you too.
I believe God is also speaking to pastors and church leaders...He is saying. Don’t expect the Eagles to be like other birds. To fit in the same type of nests. I made them different, for a reason, and I gave them eyes to see.
They need a nest in a strong tall tree by the water to hold them...and their gifting.
But...If you build it, they will come.