Behold, the Lamb of God
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"Behold, the Lamb of God"
New prayer/worship painting
while listening to IHOP-KC live stream.
International House of Prayer
Pastel on Canson paper
Thanking God for Jesus, the Perfect Sacrifice, without spot or blemish… Who was given to redeem the whole world...from sin and death. Who chose to lay down His life, even for those who beat him and plucked out his beard. Yes, even for those whose spit was still on his face as He hung naked on the cross.
Praise Him! For He is worthy...
Sometimes, as children of God…we have to suffer, even at the hands of those we are trying to love.
And we're tempted to say why? Why did this happen? Why did they do this to me? Why did you let this person hurt me?
But Jesus told us why already. A student is not above his or her Master, if they did it to Me, they will do it to you too. For the joy set before him Jesus endured the cross. Consider it pure joy to fellowship in His sufferings!
Lord make us all lambs willing to be sacrificed for the good of others. Lord teach us how to lay down our lives...even for those who would hurt us. Lord, help us to say, "not my will, but Your will be done…"
We pray, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." And we bless them in Jesus' Name. Amen
New prayer/worship painting
while listening to IHOP-KC live stream.
International House of Prayer
Pastel on Canson paper
Thanking God for Jesus, the Perfect Sacrifice, without spot or blemish… Who was given to redeem the whole world...from sin and death. Who chose to lay down His life, even for those who beat him and plucked out his beard. Yes, even for those whose spit was still on his face as He hung naked on the cross.
Praise Him! For He is worthy...
Sometimes, as children of God…we have to suffer, even at the hands of those we are trying to love.
And we're tempted to say why? Why did this happen? Why did they do this to me? Why did you let this person hurt me?
But Jesus told us why already. A student is not above his or her Master, if they did it to Me, they will do it to you too. For the joy set before him Jesus endured the cross. Consider it pure joy to fellowship in His sufferings!
Lord make us all lambs willing to be sacrificed for the good of others. Lord teach us how to lay down our lives...even for those who would hurt us. Lord, help us to say, "not my will, but Your will be done…"
We pray, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." And we bless them in Jesus' Name. Amen